How Mask Of Nyarlathotep Will kill Everyone You Love

'The Mask Of Nyarlathotep' is an expansion to the rp'ing game 'Call Of Cthulhu' that came out in in the 1930's as well as a radio play and story. It has one of the most engaging stories and is by far one of the coolest, audible books i've ever listen to. The Story is set in the roaring 20's following Magnolia an assistant detective to Detective that spent his life investigating cults and black magic. The Detective Ford got his recondition from an exposes on 'The Cult of the Posion Bat", where he discovered their evil magic powers in the desserts of Austrian. Magnolia on her rehearsal dinner got a call from Ford saying that he was in danger  and need to give her artifact.  To which her and Markus the fence go to find him dead. From there Markus gets attacked by the murder and both are kill falling out the window. Turns out the guy was part of 'the swollen tough' a cult from africa.

Through out the whole story it takes both the characters around the world, starting in New York City, then to London England, to small exaction in Egypt, Austral desserts and China. With each place having disturbing HP Lovecraft like horrors that deal within these cults. And with each cults appearance at least one of the members of the party dies. 
List of Characters and Deaths:
Ford-Killed by cultist
Markus- Was throw out of a building
Morkesh- died scarfing himself to save his mistress 
The Austrian twin male twin-  killed in the mines of Australia by weird doctor
Egyptian Historian- Killed blowing himself up to save the group from Big Bad
Peggy (other Australia Twin)-died by being throw into a demon pit
Zeke (love interest)- Died killing himself to stop an old god
Magnolias female cousin- Old age
Teddy Zolavelt- living but had stained a leg injury 
Noel (son of an african chief)- died to half human half fish people
Samson (insurance agent)-lost his right eye
This audio book has this interesting habits of making you start to like and root for a character, then right when you think that they will survive they're  killed violently by an Aldrich horror. The best example of this with the brother of peppy and how he used a mind control to take control of a fresh monster to kill the guards and help them progress onward through the story, peppy brother was show to be kinda hearted, and protective of his litter sister. And that's how he died trying to use the mind control device to stop the 'Mad Doctor' from raping and killing his sister. Unforchanitly  the Doctor used his mind power that he had received from the dessert bat to destroy the mind controller on the brothers head, killing him off brutally in explosion of brain matter and shrapnel. 
Also Teddy Roosevelt is in this? Apparently the cousin and him go away back and they use his yacht to go from Austrian to china, he's actually one of the only survivors in this and steals the big crazy evil guys yacht at the end of the final battle after watching 3 of the main characters die, because "his always like his yacht more" No joke that his actual reasoning for putting the lives of his friends and ships crew in danger, was because he prefer this other guys ship over his own which is insane and 100% moral questionable. 
But the best and worst part about the book is it's take on muslims, see it was written pre 9-11 and it defiantly shows, with how they handle the historian, he's written as this morally stable individual who puts his faith before everything, his knowelge of cults and history helps the group out a great deal. He however had an unveilding befeilf that using magic that he got form the ancient african spirit would bring his soul to damnation and stray him form the path of alia.


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